14-Day Checking and Replacement Policy

At iqfbazar.com, we strive to ensure that our customers receive the products they order in excellent condition without any fault. We want our customers to be completely satisfied with our products and services, which is why we offer the option to have your product checked and, if necessary, replaced. This ensures that you can have complete satisfaction with your purchase.


If you encounter any issues with your purchase, please let us know within 7 days of receiving electronic items or 14 days for other items. However, if the product is physically damaged or broken upon delivery, please contact us via WhatsApp at +92 336 3740174 within 24 hours so that we can take urgent action.

Here are some things you should be aware of before filing a claim for a return:

If you need to return an item, you must send it back to our warehouse after speaking with our customer service team. Our replacement policy covers the following circumstances:

  1. If you received the wrong product.
  2. If the product you received has a defect or issue.
  3. In order to successfully replace your product, you must notify us within the specified time limit, and the product must be in its original condition (undamaged, unused, and with all original packaging and accessories).
  4. The product and all accompanying items (such as packaging, documentation, and warranty cards) must not be defaced or marked in any way.

Here are a few additional points to consider:

We offer a 14-day checking warranty on products that do not come with their own manufacturer’s warranty. However, this checking warranty does not apply to products that already come with a manufacturer’s warranty. Replacement of defective or faulty products may take up to 3-5 days after they have been inspected by our team at iqfbazar.com.

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